Ecoglo® Safety Way Guidance

Ecoglo® Safety Guidance System

Through the 1980’s and 1990’s various incidents where large evacuations were hampered by emergency lighting failures or inadequacies lead to the investigation of photoluminescent materials as an alternative OR supplement.

It was Canadian Research lead by the National Research Centre in 1998 and 2006 that lead to the conclusion that high performing photoluminescent material could be the best alternative when marking a route for an evacuation conducted in a black out. Based on the results of this research, in 2009 The International Fire Code developed a standard for marking evacuation paths, called “safety way guidance.” This standard is referenced around the world in hundreds of jurisdictions where photoluminescent Safety Way Guidance is mandated in high rises.

In Canada there is now two standards for Photoluminescent performance. ULC572 defines the required performance. ULC590 defines how safety way guidance should be designed and installed.

Why Ecoglo® Safety Guidance System?

Continuous lines of luminance, marking the perimeter of an evacuation path are best. Marking of handrails and steps ensures evacuees see clearly where their feet and hands should land. Photoluminescent SWG is never obscured by shadows and is under smoke if it accumulates in the evacuation route.

  • Ecoglo® SWG eliminates the standard short comings of electrical systems.
  • Problems with partial or total failure.
  • Insufficient light
  • Location of high light casts shadows
  • Ineffective in smoke conditions
  • Limited operating time
ECOGLO® Safeway Guidance Handrails

PHOTOLUMINESCENT LEADING EDGE Increase egress confidence at corridors and staircases

Ecoglo® is at the “Leading Edge” in the emerging market segment known as supplemental (or passive) emergency lighting.

From winning the rights to develop world-leading technology for Sydney 2000 Olympic Buildings to installing blackout beaters in the high rise buildings in North America’s east, Ecoglo® has been consistently ahead of the competition in product specification and innovation.

As befits a technologically advanced company, Ecoglo® has taken strong protection on its innovative intellectual property including world wide patents and trademarks. The company works through distribution partners in major markets, working closely with its distributors and licensees in market and product development.

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