Rain Data Integration with Level and Flow Measurements
data can be acquired from any desired location and presented in the user interface along with level or flow data
in a single display (Figure 1 above). Data integration creates an easy method to view and understand the
relationship of collection system level or flow changes as affected by rain.
How SmartRain Works
SmartRain™ gauge location is determined by simply specifying latitude and longitude of the desired site. NOAA radar, combined and calibrated with ground-truth physical rain gauges, provides near-real time rainfall rates at the specified location. Locating multiple rain monitoring sites in a given sewer shed reveals “cause and effect” relationships in the basin. A “rain-field” using a grid of rain monitoring sites is easily deployed, enabling local variability of rain events to be captured. This can show timing and location of I&I at various SmartLevel™ monitoring points in your collection system.
Inflow & Infiltration Application
When SmartRain™ is used in concert with level or flow data it quickly reveals sources of inflow and infiltration (I&I). These data sets are powerful tools for prioritizing capital improvement projects (CIP) to reduce I&I. Inflow and infiltration caused by rain, tide and rivers is a significant cost to the utility. Rain water that is processed as sewage is expensive.Trusted Since 1982 | Certified Expertise | End-to-End Solutions